Thursday 24 May 2012

Facts About Chocolates

  • Chocolate contains high-quality anti oxidants that can protect you from developingcancer and heart disease. 
  • Chocolate is a great natural antidepressant. It contains tryptophan which helps you create serotonin, your body's own antidepressant.
  • Chocolate is poisonous to dogs (and other domestic animals). The Theobromine found in chocolate is a stimulatant, and can be too much for small animals. 
  • Chocolate's melting point is just below your body temperature, so it melts in your mouth. Melting chocolate in your mouth raises brain activity and heart rate more intensly than passionate kissing, and lasts four times longer!
  • For humans though, Chocolate is a wonderful energy source. Napoleon supposedly carried it along on his military campaigns, and always ate it to restore energy. Nowadays Sports-persons are often given energy bars made of choclates after sporting activities to restore carbohydrates.

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